

Wrong Address Disclaimer

It is the customer's responsibility to ensure the shipping address entered during checkout is correct. If you have misspelled or auto-filled your address incorrectly, simply reply to your order confirmation email or reach out directly at with the correct information as soon as possible.

International Customs/Duty Charges

Noetic Treasures is unable to advise what custom charges may be applied. Any custom charges are applied at the discretion of the courier and local laws and regulations, and will be payable by the customer.

Please make sure you understand your country's import tax and customs duty regulations before placing an order.

Overseas shipping is generally around 7 working days, however, please allow up to 28 days due to customs which cannot be controlled or avoided. Please allow 28 days before contacting us if you feel your parcel is missing.

Will shipping in hot weather affect my candles?
Coconut and Soy wax  are very soft waxes and will start to melt if exposed to hot temperatures for long periods of time. Please be aware that your candles may be affected by severe exposure to hot temperatures of 80 degrees or higher for long periods of time. Unfortunately, mail trucks are not air conditioned.  Please keep this in mind when purchasing candles in the summer months. Even though orders under $50 are insured, USPS and UPS will not reimburse for melted candles so we cannot be held liable for melted candles. Please order at your own risk or choose expedited delivery services.